Spring Lawn Care
Now is a great time to get a jump start on making your lawn the envy of your neighbors!
It is time to get a jump start on feeding your lawn, and get ahead of those pesky weeds. Adams proudly carries the Scotts line of lawn care products to make sure your lawn looks green and weed free, coupled with great rebates on the best products, taking care of your lawn is easier and more affordable. Stop in today and talk to our lawn experts about how to make your lawn the lush outdoor carpet you always dreamed of.
Summer Lawn Care
Mowing: Mow your grass to maintain it at a height of 3 inches or taller. Never remove more than one third of the blade at a time. So, when your grass hits about 4 inches tall, plan on mowing soon. Maintaining a 3″ height allows better root development to survive summer stress and it also crowds out the weeds.
Fertilizing and Insect Control: Now is a great time to apply a complete fertilizer to your lawn. A product such as Scotts Super Turf Builder+2 is a great way to feed your lawn and control those pasky broad-leafed weeds like dandelions and thistle. You need to follow the labeled directions. Now is also a good time to apply Bonide Grub Beater Season-Long Grub Killer to help keep those Japanese Beetles and other pests under control. Are you seeing dandelions Crabgrass, or other weeds popping up in your lawn? Now is a good time to use Ortho Weed-B-Gon Max or Scotts Touch Up to safely spot-treat these as long as the temperatures are below 90 degrees.
Fall Lawn Care
Feeding Your Lawn
Western New York lawn care requires focused attention on the implementation of the proper fall fertilizing and winterizing techniques, because the cold and snowy winters can have adverse effects on your lawn if you have not made the proper preparations. Fall is also a great time to consider seeding a new lawn or over seeding your existing lawn.
As the scorching summer heat draws to an end, it’s a great time to plan for fall lawn care. Your grass has been a real trooper, surviving wicked temperatures, a ceaseless parade of barbecues, rough play, and the other rites of summertime lawn brutality. Now, more than ever, it’s time to administer first aid, fertilizer, and broadleaf weed killers.
It’s a common misconception that once summer’s over, your lawn won’t need food for growth until spring. The truth is, if you feed your lawn before the chill of winter, you’ll be surprised at the vibrant condition of your grass come next spring. Lawns experience significant underground root growth through the colder months. It may not look it, but your lawn is very busy below the surface. Consider fertilizers high in nitrogen and potassium for fall feeding. Many people split fall lawn feedings into two fertilizer sessions: one in early fall with a product such as Scotts Super Turf Builder plus Iron or Super Turf Builder plus 2 Weed Control, and the other just before the first cold snap with a product like Scotts Super Turf Builder with Winterguard or Scotts Step 4.